Parable of the Sower

The Broken Heart

Parable of the Sower, Pt 5.

Today's Bible Reading:
Matthew 13:8; 23
Supporting Passages: John 15:1-17; Psalm 51

Over the past few weeks, we've used the parable of the Sower to allow Jesus to perform a heart checkup on us. We've only scratched the surface (or topsoil!) of what we can explore in this story. But as our time with this parable ends, I hope it has helped you assess your view of God's kingdom.

And remember—whatever the results of your heart checkup, there is grace. There is time to change. The willingness to examine your heart is only step 1. No matter which soil you identify most with, Jesus can start there and do something good in you. That brings us to the final type of soil: fertile—or good—soil.

Here is what Jesus has to say about the seed that fell on this ground:

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. ... But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (Matthew 13:8; 23, NIV)

I call this type of soil the Broken Heart. And I believe the Broken Heart has a proper view of God's kingdom. They hear the message of the kingdom and understand that it's good news. They desperately want to be a part of it. 

Now, you might be thinking, But why the Broken Heart? Shouldn't it be the Good Heart or the Obedient Heart or the Holy Heart?

Let me explain…

The Broken Heart finds the vision of God's kingdom captivating. But as they gaze at its beauty, they also realize they live in ways counter to the kingdom. They know they haven't loved their enemies the way Jesus did. They know they've done selfish and cruel things. They know they've broken the peace they have with God and others in a myriad of ways.

And so, all they have to offer Jesus is a broken heart, which they humbly do.

But is that really enough?


When Jesus went to the cross, he faced the worst of humanity. All the shame, all the pain, all the evil things humans dream up to hurt other humans—it was all heaped onto him. And when he burst out of the grave three days later, Jesus made a new way of living possible. But it's only possible through his power, not our own.

On the night before he died, Jesus called himself the true vine. And he let his disciples in on this secret:

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can't do anything. (John 15:5, CEB, emphasis mine)

The Broken Heart knows that without Jesus, it can't do anything. If we want to become good soil, we need to stay connected to the vine.

Occasionally, I receive emails from people who share their stories with me. It is a privilege to be entrusted with each one. Most of the stories are about people facing real struggles in life. Broken relationships, addiction, sickness and chronic pain, loss of loved ones way too early. (Maybe I receive these types of stories because I am the "messy and broken" guy. And I wouldn't have it any other way. They move me deeply.)

At some point during their struggle, the person reaches the end of their rope. They have nothing left to offer Jesus but a broken heart. All they can do is wake up each day and say, "I want to follow you today, Jesus. Please help me do that because I can't do it out of my own strength."

And as they cling to the true vine for survival, something amazing happens. Jesus' grace and mercy transforms their lives into fertile soil for God's kingdom.

Only Jesus can take Confused Hearts and show them the beauty of God's kingdom.

Only Jesus can take Troubled Hearts and give them peace and strength.

Only Jesus can take Distracted Hearts and give them a purpose beyond themselves.

It may be a slow process, but Jesus always finishes the work he starts.

At the end of each parable we explore, I'd like us to consider this question:

What does this story teach us about how to live out God's kingdom in a messy, broken world?

Each heart may have a different answer to that question. But here are some of my thoughts:

1. Jesus invites everyone to hear and understand the beautiful message of God's kingdom.

2. Times of confusion, troubles, and distraction may cloud our view of God's kingdom. But the good news is that…

3. Jesus—the true vine—can change our hearts. Through our brokenness, the message of God's kingdom shines through.

Questions to Ponder:

Can you relate to the Broken Heart in any way?

What are some ways you can stay connected to Jesus, the true vine, each day?

What did this parable teach you about how to live out God's kingdom in a messy, broken world?

Psalm 51 provides a great model of how to offer our brokenness to God. In it, King David prays, "My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise" (v. 17, NIV). If you would like, take some time today to use Psalm 51 as a starting point to express your broken heart to God.

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The Distracted Heart

Parable of the Sower, Pt 4.

Today's Bible Reading:
Matthew 13:7; 22
Supporting Passages: Matthew 19:16-22; Matthew 13:44

Over the past few weeks, we've been looking at the various soils in the parable of the Sower. Each one says something about the condition of our hearts.

So far, we've looked at the seed that fell on the path (the Confused Heart) and the rocky soil (the Troubled Heart). This week, we're exploring the seed that fell among the thorns. I find this type of soil to be the scariest. Here is what Jesus has to say about the seed that fell on this ground:

Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. ... The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. (Matthew 13:7; 22, NLT)

That's a pretty terrifying image, isn't it?

I imagine a healthy little sprout popping up from the ground. But then, slowly, thorns rise like zombies and drag the poor thing down to its death. It sounds like a low-budget horror film. Attack of the Zombie Thorns!

I call this type of soil the Distracted Heart. And I believe the Distracted Heart has a low view of God's kingdom. They believe the message of the kingdom is good news, and they want to be a part of it. But they soon lose focus because the worries of the world drag them down. Their loyalty is split between what God values and what the world values.

The Zombie Thorns have gotten their hooks in me many times. There is so much in this world to worry about. I worry about big things like my health and my family’s safety. I worry about small things like whether people like me and what I will have for lunch tomorrow. And when I want my stress levels to really jump through the roof, I worry about today's top headlines in my newsfeed. Each one is another thorn to distract me from God's kingdom.

I find it interesting that the thorns represent both "the worries of this life and the lure of wealth" (v. 22). I love how The Message Translation puts this verse:

[W]eeds of worry and illusions about getting more and wanting everything under the sun strangle what was heard, and nothing comes of it. (emphasis mine)

Worries and wealth are connected. Money is often at the top of our "Worry List." We think if we have enough of it, everything else on the list will magically vanish. But it's an illusion. No matter how much of it we have, we always need "just a little more" to feel secure.

In Matthew 19, Jesus has an encounter with a rich young man. This man has a genuine desire to follow Jesus. But the thorns of wealth distracted him from fully committing to God's kingdom. When Jesus tries to remove those thorns, the man won't let him. Even though he wanted the kingdom, he didn't think it was worth giving up all he had.

How do Distracted Hearts fight back against the weeds of worry and wealth?

We need a higher view of God's kingdom.

Part of the problem is our vision of heaven is much too small. We've been told that if we say yes to Jesus, we'll float off to heaven when we die. St. Peter will be waiting at the Pearly Gates to hand us a pair of wings and a harp. Sure, heaven is a nice enough place. I'd rather go there than to "the bad place." But the idea of spending all eternity on a cloud sounds kind of boring, doesn't it?

If that's our vision of God's kingdom, we will choose the kingdom of the world every time. We will keep chasing the illusion of wealth.

But Jesus' vision of God's kingdom is so much bigger than this.

When God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, he wanted them to flourish. They weren't spectators floating on a cloud. God gave them meaningful work to do. They had the most exciting lives imaginable!

Think about everything you love about this world. The work you love doing. The passions and interests God put in you. The relationships he gave you. The beautiful artwork you've seen, the delicious food you've eaten, the breathtaking places you've been.

Now, think about a world filled with all those things but without the decay of sin and death.

It's a world where we see others for who they were made to be. Without sin, we become more of ourselves, not less.

It's a world where selfishness, envy, and pride no longer get in the way of relationships. A world where sickness and disease no longer prevent people from doing the things God created them to do. A world where there's always enough to go around, and we no longer feel the need to horde what's ours.

It's a world where God dwells with us.

This is the high view of God's kingdom we need!

If you have a Distracted Heart, I am right there with you. So often, my focus is on today's worries and whether I have enough. But just as Jesus loved the rich young man, he loves us. What he offers us is so much better than what we are willing to settle for.

The next time those zombie thorns reach up for me, I pray to remember the beauty of God's kingdom. It's a kingdom so beautiful it's worth giving everything for.

Questions to Ponder:

Can you relate to the Distracted Heart in any way?

In what ways have you seen worry and wealth connected in this world?

Take a moment to read another of Jesus' parables in Matthew 13:44. How does this short parable speak to the Distracted Heart?

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The Troubled Heart

Parable of the Sower, Pt 3.

Today's Bible Reading:
Matthew 13:5-6; 20-21
Supporting Passages: Mark 8:31-38; Mark 14:66-72; John 21

One of my favorite writers is the late J. Ellsworth Kalas. My understanding of the parable of the Sower expanded when I read his wonderful book Parables from the Backside. The chapter about this parable, titled "Seasons of the Soil," challenges us not to be so rigid in our categorization of soil. As there are seasons in life, so there are seasons in the soil of the soul.

This principle is important to remember as we explore our next two heart conditions. I've struggled the most with seasons of rocky and thorny soils. I imagine a lot of Christians feel the same way. This week, we'll explore the rocky soil. Here is what Jesus has to say about the seed that fell on this ground:

Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn't have deep roots, they died. ... The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don't have deep roots, they don't last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God's word. (Matthew 13:5–6; 20–21, NLT)

I call this type of soil the Troubled Heart. And I believe the Troubled Heart has an incomplete view of God's kingdom. They see the message of God's kingdom as good news and are eager to be a part of it. Many times, they jump in headfirst! They are willing to give up everything for this new way of life. But soon, troubles come knocking on their door, and they become disillusioned.

Isn't life with God supposed to be better than this? they think.

So often, we want the kingdom without the cross. We want the good gifts God gives us—the secure jobs, the happy marriages, the freedom to go to church without fear. But we recoil at the thought of following Jesus down the path of suffering.

When I think of rocky soil, I can't help but think of the Rock himself. Our friend Peter.

Peter loved Jesus deeply. He'd follow him anywhere. But Peter's heart grew troubled when Jesus started talking about suffering. He wanted Jesus to shut up about that and get back to being awesome! (Mark 8:31–38)

And then came the night of Jesus' arrest and crucifixion. Peter promised he'd stick by Jesus until the bitter end. But when chaos erupted, and the guards dragged Jesus away, he ran like a rabbit. (Maybe his nickname should have been Peter Rabbit.)

Later, as Peter warmed himself by a fire, some bystanders recognized him as one of Jesus' followers. A rush of fear jolted through his body, and he shouted, "A curse on me if I'm lying—I don't know this man you're talking about!" (Mark 14:71, NLT)

Like the seed that fell on rocky soil, Peter's faith "wilted under the hot sun" (v. 6) of life's troubles. I can't judge Peter for this because my faith has wilted over lesser things. I have never faced torture and death for following Jesus. But the everyday struggles of life have made me wonder if following Jesus is worth it.

So what is a Troubled Heart to do?

We cling to the full story of God's kingdom.

Yes, Jesus died to defeat the powers of death and darkness. But that doesn't mean we are guaranteed a life free from pain. Jesus promised the opposite! He said we would face troubles and suffering in this life.

But we can face those troubles head on because we know Jesus is in the mess with us. We long for the day when God’s kingdom will be fully realized on earth, and all will be set right. Until that time comes, we are called to pick up our crosses and follow Jesus into the dark and broken places of this world.

Any message about God's kingdom that doesn't include a cross is incomplete.

So often, I forget this and desire a life of comfort above everything else. My roots are shallow. And when I realize this, I feel ashamed.

But that's when I need to remember God's gentle grace. He can scoop me up in my fragile condition and replant me. That's what he did for Peter.

A few days after denying Jesus, Peter found himself around another fire. But this time, he was eating a fish and toast breakfast with Jesus! Jesus wasn't done with Peter. He had an important role for him to play in God's kingdom:

Jesus repeated the question: "Simon son of John, do you love me?"

"Yes, Lord," Peter said, "you know I love you."

"Then take care of my sheep," Jesus said.
(John 21:16, NLT)

I believe Jesus strengthened Peter's roots that morning. And as Peter brought the message of God's kingdom to others, he was no stranger to trouble. He faced trials, hardships, and persecution.

Eventually, Peter was sentenced to death. Tradition says he requested to be crucified upside down. He didn't consider himself worthy to die the same way Jesus did.

How did Peter go from wanting no part of suffering to willingly hanging upside down on a torture device?

Only Jesus can do that.

Peter Rabbit became Peter the Rock!

If the problems of life have wilted your faith, you are not alone. We all face seasons of the Troubled Heart. And when we feel like we have nothing left, all we can do is look to the one who faced a world of trouble for us.

His grace and love will strengthen our weary hearts.

Questions to Ponder:

Can you relate to the Troubled Heart in any way?

What do you think it means to want "the kingdom without the cross"? How is this an incomplete view of the kingdom?

How can you encourage others who are going through times of trouble?

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The Confused Heart

Parable of the Sower, Pt 2.

Today's Bible Reading:
Matthew 13:3-4; 18-19 
Supporting Passage:
Matthew 13:10-17

The parable of the Sower has an interesting structure. In Matthew 13:3–9, Jesus tells the parable. In verses 18–23, he gives his explanation of the parable. And in between, in verses 10–17, he has a conversation with his disciples about parables. 

The disciples want to know why Jesus always talks in riddles instead of coming out and saying what he wants to say. Jesus explains that whoever listens to his words will be given understanding. But whoever refuses to listen will have understanding taken away from them.

This might sound like Jesus is sharing his message with some people and keeping it from others. But Jesus is simply pointing out an everyday principle: there is a link between listening and understanding.

As I said last week, Jesus is offering a heart checkup to everyone. He wants us all to understand and participate in God's kingdom. And so it's time to step into the exam room with Jesus. Over the next four weeks, we'll look at each type of soil in the parable. 

As we explore the soils, we will discuss how to respond to people who exhibit these traits. But it's important to remember it's not our job to label others. We humans can be quick to make snap judgments. It's easy to write someone off as "bad soil." But we don't know how God is working in their lives. The Good Gardener may be tending to their hearts below the surface, and a harvest is around the corner. 

First and foremost, this parable is an invitation to examine ourselves.

Let's begin by looking at the first type of soil. Here is what Jesus has to say about the seed that fell on the path:

Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. ... Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don't understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. (Matthew 13:3–4; 18–19, NLT)

I am calling this type of soil the Confused Heart. And I believe the Confused Heart has a misguided view of God's kingdom. They don't see the message of God's kingdom as good news. They don't see Jesus' vision of life as beautiful or freeing. They see it as oppressive and dangerous.

How did they come to this view?

Maybe no one took the time to give them a complete vision of what God's kingdom is about. They only have vague ideas of what Christians believe, and it is a caricature of the real thing. There's some God in the sky who seems to act the same way Santa Claus does. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why. If that's what it means to believe in God, they'll pass.

For others, the story is more tragic. Maybe they grew up in a Christian home and went to church every Sunday. But they saw hypocrisy. They saw power used in ways that hurt the most vulnerable. And anytime they dared to express their doubts, they were told not to question authority. Over time, they were given a counterfeit view of God's kingdom. 

My own heart breaks for the Confused Heart. No, it doesn't mean I believe every Confused Heart was purposely misguided by others. Some people choose to close their eyes and ears altogether (v. 15). They never give the message a chance to sink in. And if given enough time, the Confused Heart will eventually become the Hard Heart.

Still, it saddens me when people genuinely have a misguided view of why Jesus came to earth. Pastor Andy Stanley sometimes poses this question to unbelievers: "You may not believe the story of Jesus is true. But do you at least want it to be true?" If the answer is no, it might be a sign that you don't fully understand the message of the kingdom.

I publish a lot of devotional content on social media. Occasionally, I'll receive a mean-spirited or sarcastic reply from someone. If I'm being honest, these comments can hurt. My initial reaction is to want to hit back with a counterargument.

But lately, I've asked God to give me more compassion. These troll-like comments may come from Confused Hearts. They have a story about why they are so hostile to the message of the kingdom. A story that may make me weep if I heard it.

A seed can't take root in a slab of solid concrete. It doesn't matter how hard I try to pound it into the pavement—it's not getting through. In the same way, I can argue with the Confused Heart until I'm blue in the face and not get anywhere.

Only God can soften the soil of someone's heart. And the good news is, he does it every day! If I dare question whether someone is too far gone (and believe me, I have), then I might be the one in need of a heart change. God desires that everyone would understand and participate in his kingdom.

I pray to have that same desire and to meet every Confused Heart with compassion and gentleness.

Questions to Ponder:

Can you relate to the Confused Heart in any way?

How do you usually react when you meet others who seem hostile or indifferent to the gospel? How can you allow compassion to lead the way in these interactions?

Do you sometimes find it hard to believe the message of the kingdom is good news? If so, take a few minutes to read Jesus' "kingdom address" in Matthew 5–7 and see how it affects your heart.

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It’s Time for Your Heart Checkup

Parable of the Sower, Pt 1.

Today's Bible Reading:
Matthew 13:1-23
Supporting Passage: Matthew 8:28-34; Matthew 9:27-34

Call me weird, but I look forward to my yearly physical with my doctor. No, I don't love being poked and prodded. And having blood drawn is an event that requires two people to hold me down on the table! But when the torture—I mean exam—is over, I'm glad to have a clean bill of health.

A regular checkup offers peace of mind. But it can also help us know when something is not quite right. And so, Jesus' parable of the Sower gives us a chance to schedule a heart exam.

The parable of the Sower is one of Jesus' most well-known stories. It's a simple tale about seeds that fall along four different types of ground: path, rocks, thorns, and good soil. Only the seed that falls on good soil grows and produces a crop. The other three meet various unfortunate fates (eaten by birds, scorched by the sun, and choked by thorns, respectively!).

It's also one of the few parables where Jesus gives us a detailed explanation. Jesus told parables to make his audience think and ponder things. But when the disciples ask him, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?" (Matthew 13:10), he gives them a cheat sheet. He reveals what each type of soil represents.

At first glance, this parable may give the impression that we only have a one-in-four chance of being "saved." Those aren't great odds! What happens to the other 75% of us who aren't "good soil"? Will we be left out?

If we dig deeper, we'll see that this parable is an invitation to reflect on the condition of our hearts. Interestingly, it's found in all three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). We'll be looking at it from Matthew's perspective. Today, I want to explore its context within that book.

When Jesus arrives on the scene, he launches his ministry by "proclaiming the good news of the kingdom" (4:23, NIV). In Matthew 5–7, Jesus gives his Sermon on the Mount. This is his "inaugural address," and he describes the values of God's upside-down kingdom.

Then, in Matthew 8–9, Jesus springs into action! Matthew gives us nine little vignettes of Jesus bringing God's kingdom to earth. He finds messy, broken people and makes them whole. He heals a man with leprosy. He calms a raging storm. He heals a young girl, turning mourning into celebration. It's as if Jesus said, "Okay, I've told you how awesome God's kingdom is. Now, let me show it to you!"

But Jesus is not a street magician who performs random tricks for applause. His miracles always serve a deeper purpose. He wants people to know heaven is breaking into earth, and they are invited to participate in this new kingdom movement. So, throughout these chapters, Jesus calls people to follow him.

People respond to this invitation in different ways. Some accept Jesus and his kingdom. Others are amazed by Jesus but aren't sure how to react to him. (After he heals two demon-possessed men, an entire town begs Jesus to leave!) And some people outright reject Jesus, thinking he is in league with Satan himself.

Then, in Matthew 13, Jesus sits by a lake. A crowd gathers around him, so he hops into a boat and begins teaching them. He tells seven stories about what God's kingdom is like. (These are often referred to as the Kingdom Parables, although all of Jesus' parables are about the kingdom in some way.) The first one is the parable of the Sower. And it begins like this:

"Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds." (Matthew 13:3, NLT, emphasis mine)

Jesus' audience lived in a world without iPhones, newsfeeds, or Netflix. And yet, they weren't above being distracted. Jesus had to remind them to listen, because listening is the first step to understanding.

And what does Jesus want them to listen to and understand?

The message about the kingdom.

That, Jesus says, is what the seed in the story represents. (v. 19) And the different soils show us the various responses Jesus had just encountered in chapters 8–9.

Over the next few weeks, we're going to explore the characteristics of the four types of soil. As we do, it will be tempting to want to view ourselves as the good soil and those on the outside as "bad" soil. Because if we're not good, we're bad, right?

But Jesus is not wagging his finger at us with this parable. He's not telling us to "shape up or ship out."

Instead, he's inviting us to a heart checkup.

If I visit a cardiologist, he will look for things wrong with my heart. If he finds something, he won't berate me (unless he has a terrible bedside manner). If he's a good doctor, he'll come up with a plan to help me. Finding an issue is good news because it could save my life!

Jesus wants to use the parable of the Sower as a way to check our hearts. But we'll only be willing to enter the exam room if we believe he is good.

And he is. We can trust that no matter what he finds, there is hope.

Jesus loves the rocky soil. He loves the thorny soil. And yes, he even loves the patches of earth along the path—those we might deem utterly lost to God. He wants to work in the soil of every heart.

Because Jesus doesn't want anyone left out.

Questions to Ponder:

Take some time to read the parable of the Sower and write down any initial thoughts you have.

Which type of soil best describes your heart in this season of life? Remember, there's no shame if it's not the good soil. We can be honest with Jesus about where we are at.

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