Happy New Year!
(No, that's not the phrase, lol!)
I hope your 2025 is off to a great start. :)
So, I've never been someone who chooses a "word of the year." But for the past two years, I've given it a try. I would say the results have been... mixed.
To be honest, I am not 100% sure what it means to have a word of the year. I understand the concept: you choose a word to focus on. In theory, it's a good idea. But after a couple of weeks go by and the shine of the new year wears off, I usually forget about it. I don't mean I literally forget what word I've chosen. (That would be kind of funny, though. What was my word again?!) I just mean I get swept away in the routine of life, and I lose focus of it for weeks or months at a time.
A Look Back at Past Words
In 2023, my word was simplicity. And ironically, my life seemed to get more complicated! I faced several issues, and one of them was burnout from trying to do too much. I took a sabbatical from writing for most of that year. I got a job helping a photographer friend with client management and social media.
On the positive side, choosing simplicity helped me be okay with taking a break. As I look back on that tough season, I see how God was working. Doing something different gave me the time and space to reflect on my life and how I wanted to move forward. By the end of 2023, I felt renewed and ready to get back to my writing. I am grateful for that time (and for my friend who gave me the opportunity to build a new set of skills).
Then in 2024, I chose the word health. I turned 40 the year prior, and I wanted to make a more conscious effort to take care of myself. This is especially important because of my cerebral palsy. If I am not taking deliberate steps to improve, it is much easier to regress.
I've made some progress in this area. I started seeing a martial arts instructor. He's been working with me on many things, especially my breathing and flexibility. These are two important areas to focus on if you have CP. I am grateful to him. Robert, if you are reading this, thank you, my friend!
At the same time, I've also had some health challenges. I've shared about my fainting episode earlier this year that required me to get some tests. I am still not completely over the hill yet, but I hope to be soon!
I share all that to say this: I think choosing a word of the year can be helpful in some aspects, but it is not anything "magical." It can provide you with direction at the start of the year. But my advice is to hold on to the word loosely because God may have other plans in mind. Or he might have a different interpretation of the word than you do! That was the case when I chose simplicity. The journey was different from what I thought it would be. But in the end, God taught me something.
And, of course, if choosing a word of the year isn't your thing, don't do it. We are all different, and God has different methods of working in us.
My Phrase for 2025
I did not think I would do a word of the year in 2025. But a few weeks ago, I was out on my scooter, and a three-word phrase hit me like a ton of bricks!
I was thinking about how often I am frustrated with myself for not getting "enough" done. If I can be vulnerable for a moment, sometimes I feel like a leaf blowing in the wind. I have so many ideas—so many projects I could be working on—that it's hard to focus.
We live in a "hustle" culture. As 21st-century Americans, one of the biggest idols we are tempted to worship is productivity. There's always a new hack or system designed to help you do more. There are articles written with titles like 7 Things to Do Before Breakfast to Squeeze More Out of Your Day!
I've tried some of these productivity systems. I don't think they are all bad. I like learning new ways to get things done. (One of my favorite podcasts is All It Takes Is A Goal by Jon Acuff. He has a great perspective on goals/productivity.) But the problem comes when we see efficiency as the end-all-be-all (AKA, as a god). We rush through the day like our hair is on fire! And that is a recipe for allowing life to pass you by.
At the end of the day, maybe we've checked everything off our to-do list. But if we keep our heads down the whole time, just trying to "make it through" another day, we miss the opportunities God puts in front of us. Opportunities to love and serve others. Opportunities to reflect and be grateful. Opportunities to rest in God's grace.
As all these thoughts were swarming in my head, this phrase came to me:
Slow but purposeful.
I felt God telling me to slow down. Do less. But when I do take action, make it purposeful.
This is the point of that old "The Tortoise and The Hare" fable, right? The hare runs around as fast as he can but doesn't put much thought into it. The tortoise moves slowly, but all his strides have the same goal. Every step he takes has a purpose.
It's easy to feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. And yet, it's amazing how often I move through the day without purpose.
"I'll just check Facebook real quick before I start writing." Then I look up, and 30 minutes have flown by!
"I'll just watch this one 5-minute YouTube video before I start writing." Down the rabbit hole! One video turns into 5 or 6 more!
I want to become more aware of what I do throughout the day. This is how Jesus lived his life. He was never in much of a rush. But boy, did he move with purpose!
Slow but purposeful.
Goals for This Year
So, what will this look like for me? Well, in my work life, I have two big goals.
The first is to publish my next devotional book. I finished the final chapter last week. But there is still a lot to do to get it ready for publication. It can seem overwhelming, but not if I take small, purposeful steps.
The second is to continue publishing content to my newsletter every week. While I want to focus on the book, I don't want the newsletter to grind to a halt. On the contrary, I would like it to be more consistent!
To do this, I plan to write shorter devotionals and publish them every Friday. On some weeks, I may share something I've been pondering. On other weeks, I may choose a scripture from the Revised Common Lectionary and use it as a starting point for my thoughts. Either way, the content week to week will be less connected than when I am writing material for a new book. I think this will be a refreshing change!
Practically speaking, this will look like writing for two hours per day before doing any other business-related tasks (or checking Facebook/YouTube/etc.). Two hours a day of writing doesn't seem like a lot. But based on my experiences, it's the perfect amount of time before I start to tire out. In fact, it has taken me about two hours to write this newsletter!
Slow but purposeful.
I feel hopeful these three words will keep me moving toward my goals consistently and manageably.
But as always, we will see where God takes me!
What about you? Do you have a word/phrase/goal/resolution for the year?
If so, let me know.
I would love to encourage you as we begin 2025 together!
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